Screen Printing Advice For Companies Making Custom T-Shirts


Screen printing is a pretty popular way to customize t-shirts. From efficient processes to unique designs, this type of printing can pay off in a major way if you plan on selling custom t-shirts. So that your efforts and money are both put to good use, utilize the following screen printing tips. Plan Your Color Selection Careful The colors you end up using with screen printing are important for the overall quality of custom t-shirts you're able to produce.

30 March 2021

If You Can Get Only One Copy Machine, Get One With Color


As companies try to cut costs, equipment replacement is under the budgetary microscope. If a big piece of equipment has suddenly gone kaput in your office, be prepared for some intense price comparisons and searching for the best deal possible. One way to save money is to look for equipment that can pull double duty, or do more than just one task. For copy machines, that's the color copy machine. If you have to replace your machines and can get only one, spring for color to get the best value.

18 December 2020

The Art Of Sending Files To A Digital Printing Company


One of the simplest steps in the digital printing process can often produce some of the biggest headaches. Sending a file to the company handling your work has a surprising number of potential pitfalls. Whether you're new to digital printing solutions or a hardened veteran, it can be helpful to think about the following four concerns when it comes to the art of sending files. Transmission Methods You're likely going to send the files by one of three possible methods.

24 September 2020

Helpful Tips When Utilizing Four Color Process Printing For Custom T-Shirts


If you plan on selling t-shirts commercially, then you may want to take advantage of four color process printing. It's one of the standard printing services today and you can maximize its benefits by remembering this tips.  Refine Your Design So that the colors in this printing process stand out and look great, you need to spend time refining the design on your t-shirts. Start by making sure the graphics are readable.

24 June 2020

Menu Covers To Promote Your Establishment And Popular Meals


A laminated menu cover that showcases your restaurant's exterior and a few of the dishes that tend to be popular will be easy to clean and will provide your establishment with the advertising that you desire. Prepare a sample cover and provide a printing associate with the sample, to ensure that your menu covers will look the way that you would like them to. A Protective Coating Menus that aren't laminated are prone to staining and tearing.

20 March 2020

Effectively Using Flyers To Market Your Business


Printing flyers to help promote your business is a marketing technique that is one of the first strategies that businesses will often utilize. It is important to recognize that these flyers will be the first impression that many potential customers will have with your enterprise. This makes it necessary to ensure that these flyers are of professional quality. Break up the Flyer's Design Into Sections Business leaders will often make the mistake of creating a design for their flyers that is extremely cluttered.

21 October 2019

Are You Shopping For Your College-Bound Child?


Did your son or daughter just graduate from high school? If so, you are probably feeling many different emotions. Of course, you're excited about the next chapters in your child's life. However, you might also be sad about the rapid passage of time. Maybe you are now focused on shopping for the items your son or daughter will take to college. If that's the case, he or she probably already knows what kind of clothes to take.

2 July 2019