Screen Printing Advice For Companies Making Custom T-Shirts


Screen printing is a pretty popular way to customize t-shirts. From efficient processes to unique designs, this type of printing can pay off in a major way if you plan on selling custom t-shirts. So that your efforts and money are both put to good use, utilize the following screen printing tips.

Plan Your Color Selection Careful

The colors you end up using with screen printing are important for the overall quality of custom t-shirts you're able to produce. Some colors present more problems than others and then there are certain color combinations that deliver great results and others that do not.

Thinking about these things as you go to choose certain colors can help you find the best results. Also, be open to trying different color combinations so that you can see exactly which colors work great when coupled together. 

Decide Between DIY and Professional Screen Printing Services

You have two options for making custom t-shirts with screen printing. Either you can do it yourself and invest in screen printing equipment or you can hire a professional company. The former option gives you more freedom but also does come with more expenses. 

With professional services, you don't have to provide any equipment and these services typically can handle a lot of orders at a time. It all depends on how you're looking to grow your t-shirt company and how much money you can spare on equipment that is necessary to put custom graphics on t-shirts.

Be Careful with Drying

Once you've utilized screen printing to apply particular graphics on t-shirts, the inks that you used have to dry. If you plan on handling screen printing yourself, be sure to not do anything before the inks have fully dried. If you did, you can get issues like ink spreading and getting ink on other things around your t-shirt work site.

Just leave your custom t-shirts in place so that ink can dry properly. You probably want to set up drying stations for custom t-shirts that just received screen printing services. This way, nothing will interrupt the drying results.

Thanks to screen printing, t-shirts can be customized in endless ways from a graphic standpoint. If you plan to sell these types of shirts after they've been through screen printing, things like application, designs, and equipment matter. Get familiar with these things so that everything you put into screen printing for custom t-shirts makes a difference. 

For more information, contact a screen printing service in your area.


30 March 2021

Focusing On Graphic Design and Printing

When you first started your business, you might have been more concerned about getting the word out there than you were about how the word looked. Unfortunately, unattractive fliers and signs can make your company look unprofessional, which can cause customer problems down the road. However, if you work with the right graphic design team and you pay to have your materials printed professionally, you might be able to enjoy a healthier business. On my website, you will find articles about everything from graphic design to printing, so that you know what to look for in a team and how to choose printing materials.